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By Rocío Cerón
Translated from the Spanish by Anna Rosenwong

Diorama is both a book of poems and a performance action by the poet Rocío Cerón, who guides the reader on a hallucinatory, spiraling journey through image, language, Mexican history, and soundscapes.

Publication Date: June 15, 2014

Paperback: 9781939419118


Diorama is both a book of poems and a performance action by the poet Rocío Cerón, who guides the reader on a hallucinatory, spiraling journey through image, language, Mexican history, and soundscapes. As unrelentingly tactile as it is unapologetically cerebral, Rocío Cerón’s new book asks that we relinquish control and submit to the poet’s brutal lyricism, and to a new kind of order imposed like a penumbra between us and the waking world.

Biographical Note

Rocío Cerón was born in Mexico City in 1972. Her work is experimental, combining poetry with music, performance, and video. Her books of poetry include Basalto (2002), Imperio Empire (2009, interdisciplinary bilingual edition), Tiento (Germany, 2011), and Diorama  (2012). Her poems have been translated into English, Finnish, French, Swedish and German, and she has performed her work at venues in Denmark, England, France, Germany, Sweden, and the United States.

Anna Rosenwong is a translator, poet, editor, and educator. She holds an MFA from the University of Iowa and a PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of California, Irvine. Her book-length publications include José Eugenio Sánchez’s Suite Prelude a H1N1 (Toad Press) and an original collection of poetry, By Way of Explanation (Dancing Girl Press). She is the translation editor of Drunken Boat. Her literary and scholarly work has recently been featured in World Literature TodayThe Kenyon ReviewTranslation Studiesjacket 2Pool, and elsewhere.

